Regular Elevator Maintenance-- Maintains the safety of an elevator
- Improves the reliability of the elevator
- Prolongs the life of an elevator
- Early detection of developing issues
The number one priority is Safety.
Regular maintenance on a regular schedule has the potential to spot problems before they become hazards.
Leveling issue can cause tripping and physical harm.
Door issues can cause injury to the public.
Door lock fatigue would shut down an elevator.
Emergency phone viability is checked during maintenance
Low oil - loss of oil -Starter failure - motor irregularities - rope stretch or rouge
A reliable elevator is a quiet elevator - no noise, no complaints. You almost forget that it’s there.
Some say an elevator should last 15-20 years, others may say 20-30 years. Regular maintenance and repairs are the reason that elevators from the 60s, 70s and 80s are still operating today.
Regular maintenance visits can catch a major problem in the beginning stages, preventing costly repairs.
Starter contact fatigue, when detected early could save a motor.
Regular pit inspections would reveal water issues or leaks in pipe fittings or packings.
Building issues, not related to the elevator, such as roof leaks are sometimes discovered by the maintenance mechanic.
Hartford Elevator offers
- 24-Hour Service
- Preventative Maintenance
- Regular Scheduled Maintenance
- Annual Testing
- Fireman's Service Testing
- Flexible maintenance visit frequency